Hitori Kakurenbo The Scary Hide and Seek Game
The hide and seek is our childhood game when the chosen player closed his eyes and the rest looked for a hiding place to be found by that player chosen as the seeker.
This game is also quite famous in various countries with different names.
In Japan, this game called Hitori Kakurenbo, that is very not common and very scary, because the one invited to play is a ghost.
Hitori Kakurenbo is actually used in Japan to communicate with spirits that roam for various purposes, and dolls are used as a substitute medium for the human body.
In Indonesia, this might be called Jelangkung. But it turns out that there is a difference where it is stated that Hitori Kakurenbo makes his puppet move and cause sounds, it is terrifying.
Some people believe that Hitori Kakurenbo is actually a ritual to call the presence of an evil spirit into the house.
Some people argue people who play this game can summon demons, trapped spirits, even the spirits of the dead.
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